Sustainable Development Goal 16 — Engineering for sustainable development -How engineering can make it happen?
The promotion of peace, justice and inclusive societies through good governance and strong institutions is a priority for everyone in society, including engineers. Engineering practice involves embracing the values of diversity and inclusion, sustainable practices and ethical engineering, all of which are essential for delivering safe, sustainable engineering solutions. Engineers are also partnering to develop strong institutions for engineering education, accreditation and regulation, which are essential to ensuring the competency of engineers everywhere. For example, the WFEO is partnering with the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) and its peers in international engineering to ensure that engineering education standards for the graduates of tomorrow reflect the values of sustainable, ethical and inclusive engineering. These organizations are also working in partnership to develop strong accreditation institutions to regulate university education systems and professional engineering institutions to support the professional development of engineers in the workforce. The WFEO has developed a Model Code of Ethics for engineersthat has been used as a basis for codes of ethics by other professional engineering institutions such as Engineers Australia. The Committee on Anti-Corruption of the WFEO has partnered with other international organizations such as the OECD and the World Justice Project to promote frameworks to address corruption in engineering with a view to maximizing the benefit of infrastructure investments that support sustainable development. It is a member of the International Standards Organization Technical Committee TC-309 that developed the ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Standard and the ISO 37000 Guidance for the Governance of Organizations, to be released in early 2021 (ISO 37001, 2016). The Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) in the United Kingdom is an independent not-for-profit organization that provides resources to assist in understanding, identifying and preventing corruption in the infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors.